
Welcome to my blog! Sending my best energy to you as you find your way to YOU.????

Why I Coach Others

Why I Coach Others

I Want Everyone In the Universe to: Feel better about themselves and their lives. Take an honest look at themselves and shed the weight of life's accumulated hurts. Put down the armor and let others be close. It doesn't have to hurt. The protection costs too much....

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Anxiety With A Layer of Cancer

Anxiety With A Layer of Cancer

 I suffered from anxiety for as long as I can remember. So long, I guess, that I actually thought it was normal. I tried many, many therapies from psychologists, self-help, group programs, counseling, medications, etc. Nothing seemed to work and the medications had...

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Power of Personal Energy: Green Bean Experiment

Power of Personal Energy: Green Bean Experiment

I started studying my personal energy back in 2014 when I was diagnosed with a rare form of breast cancer and wanted to do all I could to save my life and not just my physical body. Dis-ease was a symptom of how I was living my life. I was scared beyond belief but...

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The Value of Triggers (and your role in them)

The Value of Triggers (and your role in them)

Today's Activity: Value of Triggers Triggered by others? I wasn't going to start posts about outside influences until after you had time to focus and get strong in self awareness. I had a highly triggering event yesterday and in my efforts to soothe myself, I realized...

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About Me

Lisa is an accredited life coach through the Centre for Applied Neuroscience in Toronto, Canada, where she studied positive psychology, mind-body connection, self-esteem, and stress management. 

This experience, coupled with her extensive business analysis and technology background, brings together a well-rounded approach to life coaching for the modern woman.