Anxiety With A Layer of Cancer

 I suffered from anxiety for as long as I can remember. So long, I guess, that I actually thought it was normal. I tried many, many therapies from psychologists, self-help, group programs, counseling, medications, etc. Nothing seemed to work and the medications had side effects (for me) that were far worse than the anxiety symptoms themselves.


Well, that put me completely over the top since I already had pre-existing anxiety. After my initial diagnosis, I was lost inside my mind much of the time – so many decisions, life regrets, fear of what was to come for my body, fear of leaving my loved ones behind, never having a family, and merciless, unrelenting negative thoughts. I knew that I absolutely had to cope with the new level of anxiety and stress that cancer brought. I was not functioning well and my body was showing all the signs of tension and stress.

Imagine my hair even starting to fall out … WITHOUT CHEMO! That is the power of the mind.

That’s one example of my body’s stress responses but there were so many from shortness of breath, fatigue, racing thoughts, cuts not healing well, extreme tension in my body, and a complete lack of focus. An endless list of my body saying that things were really off.

I started asking myself questions:

❔ What role has my anxiety had on my health (and my life really)?
❔ So if anxiety was increasing my health issues, was it POSSIBLE that reducing my anxiety could decrease my health issues?
❔ Was there any truth to the mind-body connection?
❔ Was this a warning sign that I needed to make some life changes? How would I know what they were?

… Most importantly, where would I start?

Thankfully, I sought those answers. I didn’t have a choice, especially after I refused chemo. I had to get my mind and body back in balance or I wouldn’t have survived. Those answers not only changed my health outcomes but changed my entire life experiences. I never would have believed it was possible except that I lived it and made those changes at one of the most challenging times of my life. Our thoughts create things – both the good and the bad. We have the power to influence what is created by monitoring and guiding our thinking to support us instead of destroying us. Are you happy with what you are creating in your life? The 1st step is accepting your role.

If you are sick, in pain, anxious, or any combination of these, you NEED to take action if you are frustrated and ready for real change. It is your life and it really CAN be different. You cannot expect different results if you keep doing the same things (Einstein’s principle of life) and keep thinking the same old ways you have thought all of your life.

Here are a few things I would recommend to get started on making positive changes in your life that will reduce your anxiety.:

1) Self Care – practice paying attention to yourself every single day.

Eat what feels good to your body (i.e. doesn’t create negative feelings such as guilt and nourishes the body). Try Buddha bowls for one meal a day

One Bowl Nutrition Recipes:

Get your sleep even if that means taking medication or a natural sleep aid like Melatonin (check with a doctor, of course).
Check in with yourself mentally several times a day – journal, write a list of things that Feel Good Today, and listen to a video on mindset to reinforce healthier thinking habits. We have so many excellent online tools available now.

If a self-managed plan is not effective enough or not going as quickly as you need, add some resources outside yourself. Just remember that regardless of the path you choose, YOU still need to play the greatest role. but it isn’t as hard as you may think.

2) Seek outside resources such as therapists, counselors, support groups, coaches, etc.

3) Take medication (guilt-free) if that is what the doctor recommends. Medication has its place and can be a short-term solution when supplemented with good self-care and other resources. It may end up being a longer-term need but the key is not to rely ONLY on the medication.

Anxiety is a normal reaction to cancer and is an everyday reality for many people. We need to talk about it to shine a light on the solutions. There are solutions.

Take your anxiety seriously and you can make it almost disappear completely. I know, because I have done it even with cancer. I help others do the same and their lives finally become the ones they’ve always wanted. It will truly be the greatest thing you have ever done for yourself.

We are meant to do great things! Energetically, by being anxious, you are attracting fear, worry, self-criticism, etc. I know you don’t mean to but that is what is happening. If you have a role in creating these low-vibration feelings, you also have a role in creating a happy, peaceful and successful life – the one Y_O_U want.

📌You get back what you send out. What is your signal to the Universe at this moment? 

Lisa 💜💚💝



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About Me

Lisa is an accredited life coach through the Centre for Applied Neuroscience in Toronto, Canada, where she studied positive psychology, mind-body connection, self-esteem, and stress management. 

This experience, coupled with her extensive business analysis and technology background, brings together a well-rounded approach to life coaching for the modern woman.